Newsweek(Dec. 15, 2021): LeDoux is among America's 50 Greatest Disruptors by today's newsweek - America's 50 Greatest Disruptors: Visionaries and Innovators Who Are Changing the World
Tech New Insight(December 15, 2021): Book review on consciousness – the spectrum of science.By Elena Douglas
modernpsykologi.se(Dec. 12, 2021): Ångest, rock och hjärnor med Joseph Ledoux ( Anxiety, rock and brains with Joseph LeDoux - Google Translate)
(Dec.1, 2021) A recorded video ( streaming LIVE: November 8, 2021, Monday, noon–1 p.m.) from 2021SFN 50th Anniversary Events - Then and Now Panel: In this session, moderated by Liz Phelps, Gazzaniga and LeDoux talked how their collaboration influenced their separate scientific paths, including their common interest in consciousness.
oakpark.com(Nov.9, 2021) How racism functions in the brain by Stephanie Ferrara - LeDoux's research is cited in thisarticle.
2021SFN.50th Anniversary Events - Then and Now Panel: In this session, moderated by Liz Phelps, Gazzaniga and LeDoux will discuss how their collaboration influenced their separate scientific paths, including their common interest in consciousness.
Streaming LIVE: November 8, 2021, Monday, noon–1 p.m. CST
CBS mornings(Oct.29,2021) The science of fear and why we seek it out “CBS Mornings” co-host Nate Burleson speaks with Joe LeDoux and other top academics and Hollywood's hottest horror directors on just why we love a good scare.
startribune.com(Oct. 29, 2021) startribune.com: Scary science: The feeling of fear has surprising benefits. Joe LeDoux's work is cited in this article.
Arte TV (Oct.30, 2021): Et si la peur n’existait pas ? (What if there is no fear?) - Arte Science documentary on fear. Chatter by Dr.Joe LeDoux and others, and music from The Amygdaloids.
Chasing Consciousness Podcast (Oct.1, 2021) Dr. Joseph LeDoux - FEAR, EMOTIONS AND THE EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS
Mind-Wandering with Drs. LeDoux, Christoff, & Brown - September 27, Zoom
Quanta Magazine (August 24, 2021): The Brain Doesn’t Think the Way You Think It Does By Jordana Cepelewicz - This article quotes LeDoux's views on fear alongside other neuroscientists' input on misconceptions of the brain
Book review-ESIC 2021: Joseph LeDoux The Deep History of Ourselves: The Four-Billion-Year Story of How We Got Conscious Brains. By Kenneth F. Schaffner
Current Biology: Cell Press (July 12, 2021) What emotions might be like in other animals - Joseph Ledoux
mindmatters.ai (July 2, 2021) Mind matter news: IS FEAR THE SAME THING FOR A HUMAN BEING AS FOR AN ANIMAL? - Psychiatrist Joseph Ledoux has thought about that; it’s a complex problem
(June 30, 2021 ) mindmatters.ai: CONSCIOUSNESS IS MAINLY A PROBLEM FOR MATERIALISTS - If you are not a materialist, there is no problem with understanding consciousness
Current Biology (June 21, 2021) Book review: Lighting up mental disorders: A psychiatrist’s stories from the lab and clinic By Jesph LeDoux
EBI & CLaME present: Emotions in the Arts, Humanities, and Scienc (Zoom recording April 16, 2021)
“Music, Health, and Healing” to Orchestrate Therapy, Neuroscience, and Performance-- May 6 Webinar- A webinar featuring experts in the areas of music therapy and neuroscience, along with violinist and composer Ittai Shapira, will explore the curing power of music, on Thurs., May 6. 2021
EBI & CLaME present: Emotions in the Arts, Humanities, and Sciences at NYU 3pm – 5pm EST on Friday, April 16
zoom link: https://nyu.zoom.us/j/92418636318
(January 29, 2021) "The Deep History of Ourselves" nominated for the Smart Book of the Year 2020 Award. Competition for the best popular science book [English translation], facebook.